Saturday, June 14, 2008

I checked on the Pilot Knob Ridge Preserve today after the storms we had the beginning this week. The trails are clear. There is one tree down on the blue trail above the falls, but it really is not obstructing the trail. I will take care of it the next time up. I may be able to use the tree as part of a water bar that I need to install near where it fell... nature provides.

Although I brought a camera with me I didn’t take any pictures. I was too caught up enjoying the sites, sounds and smells that fill the air. There was, however, an orange newt that was all but begging me to take its picture, but Jake, my dog and trail companion was a little over heated and I had to hurry off the trails at that time.

I hope that you came up and enjoy the sites and sounds at the PKR.

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